Commercial Name – SPOTIM M2A1 Aiming Device
Product Name – Model 2 Indirect Fire Mortar Aiming System
Description – The SPOTIM M2A1 (Model 2 Indirect Fire Mortar Aiming System) is an optical equipment used for adjusting the fire of medium and heavy mortars (81mm and 120mm). It is designed with diopter adjustment to enhance precision in aiming and is crucial for the correct use of various firing tables approved for mortar use. Each type of ammunition has its own firing table, indicating the appropriate elevation and propelling charge for the desired range. The SPOTIM M2 ensures that the mortar is correctly inclined for the chosen range and provides azimuth corrections for the selected target using micrometric adjustments in elevation and direction, guaranteed by bubble levels.
Key Features:
Developed and manufactured in Brazil. Illuminated Reticle Product Development – Developed in partnership with the Army Technological Center (CTEx), the SPOTIM aiming device is an optical equipment employed in mortars produced by the Brazilian Army at its Arsenal of War in Rio de Janeiro/RJ (AGR), to achieve greater accuracy in mortar fire.
List of Characteristics and Advantages:
Robust Lightweight Easy to Operate Maintenance in Brazil Commercial Name – Lightweight Mortar Aiming Device
Product Name – M81/60 Aiming Device
Description – The M81/60 Aiming Device is compact, lightweight, and simple, designed for use with 81mm or 60mm mortars. Equipped with a collimator instead of a telescope, it ensures precise final aiming.
The collimator assembly can be lowered or raised to bring the target into the operator’s field of view. It also features an open sight system consisting of a rear sight and front sight for aiming observation.
The installation of the aiming device on the mortar is straightforward, thanks to the use of a standard NATO 9º clamping claw, which is easy to operate.
The equipment has a set of bubbles that allow for both transverse and longitudinal leveling of the mortar. Azimuth angles (deflections) are adjusted on a micrometer (deflection drum), marked in mils, ranging from zero left to 150 mils and from zero right to 150 mils.
Key Features:
Developed and Manufactured in Brazil Product Development – Developed in Brazil to meet a nationalization demand, this product was created to offer a national solution for a specific need of the Armed Forces. Thus, the product’s development contributed to reducing dependence on imported equipment, which is essential for the country’s security and sovereignty.
List of Characteristics and Advantages:
Robust Lightweight Easy to Operate Maintenance in Brazil List of Characteristics and Advantages:
Robust Lightweight Easy to Operate Maintenance in Brazil
Lista de características e vantagens
- Robusto
- Leve
- Fácil de Operar
- Manutenção no Brasil

We have towers and weapons systems, aiming equipment, simulators and artillery.